Seeking health saavy, and a month of el slosho in the mediterranean on the beach all year? We may not have to go far for the source of evolution's source code. A general way to know about a life most conducive to health often may be by finding out what was going on we evolved with for millions of years (especially what's complex because life is in constant change) that wins more than we lose. By finding what was going on in evolution, we find ways of finding better health in our own life, and respect for the prehistoric world that 999 of a thousand of us lived in.
What was life like in evolution? Feeling good was common; disease is almost absent in living evolution. We were neither too hot or too cold; we were in the rain forests where the ocean meets the shores, fire wasn't invented till more recent times. Then as now most of us lived by the shores, we were near the estuaries where the river meets the shore where most life is and was. We would go down by the river at the end of the afternoon to wash and the latest gossip archeologists would dig up thousands of ages ago, and wow away our hours being rich in heat if it was always blue above for a shimmering lantern, a song that never ends.
What we evolved with that doesn't harm us is not always guaranteed to be of worth to our health. A rock or a mountain makes a beautious horizon, but so are the plains for the wealthy, and we're as close to college as signs with a U. While a carnivoire eats a lot if it lives around flowers most of these won't eat a lot of bread. So just oneness all around us in ages of yore is not of import compared what we got more power out of, even if we got the power just by conventions like what exact dish we eat or what we are strengthened most by. If we got more advantage out of a food or action in our usual life in evolution, this vision of Health as Evolution predicts if it's more probable it's good for us, so most of us like frosted beverages more in summer and often in winter more than hot. In ancient times hot water would have had more bacilli that would have hurt us. We got more power and survival advantage from frosted slush to sup in the wild. In ancient times they were all drinking booze because the still was uninvented and boiling water to make the wine killed the harmful bacilluses in a water jug. The pilgrims landed at Plymouth because they were out of beer and with no water to booze on they stopped and built a beer brewery. Tut's tomb has a 5 pack of beer. (Miller Light is not the AA of the afterlife!) If they had known to boil water instead of beer, they would have saved an unlevel step and the level the roads had by 100 AD would have been moreso!
15 minutes of heavy exercise plus rest plus 15 minutes more exercise they now find more healthy than hours, and with more rest. So rewinding from fitness to it's image in evolution by way of this shows what life may have been like for us in 1 million B.C; what they've found about fitness implies we would have to run to or away from wild animals, but just in 48 hours, all the rest was comfortable in the cozy heat and by the ocean or river for shade and fish. Most would find more than this uncommodious (bad too) because this was all it would take to catch prey or outrun predators or competitors. Running was good for health too but just in moderation. So this explanation would say because we coevolved, most of our predators and competitors would only have been able or willing to run for 15 minutes to outrun us. All the animals that survived would be able to outrun the rest, and we're here so there's just a certain speed most would have had to outrun. While evolution was more kind than not, so most of us would have been able to win, there would be a certain general top speed most animals would have to be able to reach for evolution of that species to continue.
While the competitors would be vying for the same resources, just as Darwin said, few animals would overhunt. In Descent Of Man Darwin used the word "love" 87 times and "Survival of the Fittest" just once. For millions of years, any excess or unfair advantages I think would have led to a considerably greater deficit, and thus removing the "bad" behaviour because evolution was by way of large numbers of small changes. You may say, what would stop cheating and an escalating of arms in evolution? While there was constant increase of evolution by evolution's computer, in research in Living Evolution, when two animals or plants are evolving to compete for the same rescources like food, they don't fight, instead, they actually evolve "sideways" to slightly different resources. It's better not to fight all the time any more than to sleep or eat all the time, because the laws of the cosmos are not so unjust we would have to in evolution, if all the time was used in feuds, other lower forms of life would win, a battle is not just measured in wins or losses, but also in the duration and price of victory. This is not suprising about Darwin because excess is what we think of as crime, and I believe most or all of law actually would be a refined reflection of what went on in evolution. As usual, Evolution Was Our Life, and life is more good than bad and was for millions of years. We would wake up cozy in the heat. A sleeping bag? Evolutions tanning bed!
.If born in March, one's chance of some illness like mental illness is higher, this would be because without fire in the tropics for millions of years there was heat year round so a warm enviroment for moms to be is most blessed by the College of Windshield and 250 Mph MLM Salvation! It's been found that looking up at the clouds for an hour is calming, this was common in evolution so perhaps those new cheap giant tube Zeniths they have may be good for rest without going outside in the weather seen in more common prehistoric times.
They did research about exercises and fitness in life. Women who weightlift, others who were sometime exercisers all their life, and aerobic walkers like those in door to door commercial businesses were compared. The ones with the best cardiovascular health by far were the walkers. This is about what would have been in evolution that was of more power we would use. Walking would be of more value than weightlifting because we would vote with our feet, "Time to run, See you when the bear chases us here in a while!" Throwing stones since they would be of use to defend would be one way to win but mostly lighter stones and more aerobic exercise like walking and light lifting would be of higher worth, a heavy stone is tough to aim.
Moms may say, "What's of worth about diet or exercise is highly adaptable. The eskimos lived with out much veggie cheeze in the unfrozen pizza they ate, and it's thought by the experts to be doubtful that exercise can harm a healthy person. And they say it's possible a person can survive on just potatoes and milk. It's possible, but where would we find a convenience store that sold just chips, at an inconvenience store!" While you may achieve heavy exercise without harm it may not be the most healthy in the long run because of more risk of injury.
No doubt if the plistocene started we had to adapt to it, but many of the adaptations like fire weren't in our early evolution and the reason we find warm feet cozy is because the weather was warm in most of our evolution. We may have adapted like the eskimos with the use of fire but I think, even with all the bad press evolution has gotten, most of the time the life of our great great amazin relative's life was moderation.
Evidence seems to prove that of you stretch before exercise this may be unbenificial and may even be harmful. In evolution, who would have bothered to stretch? My own exercise I've devised is by starting light/slow/short with the cleansing muscles (lower legs and arms, they have circulation to cleanse the rest of the muscles others don't) and other muscles then heavy/slow and or heavy/fast/short and so on and then the complete stretch working my way out to heavy/fast/complete motion at higher power via faster and faster motions with extra brightbells, like in business, make more, earn more, and repeat. You will find that if you slow down when you're sore with each general level of increase of your motion in the workout, it's just mildly uncomfortable. Once you're at your higher level, then is good to do interval training where you go so fast you can't talk comfortably, then slow down to where you can then repeat. This is good for your heart without so much strain, which can be harmful (as you would expect by Health as evolution, too much exercise can kill you.) Even if it takes an hour it's no pain, and once you have the fire up it carries over to the rest of many of the muscles you haven't exercised, so the last of your workout is a morale boost and you're in power with reduced stress. I eat veggies like from a microwave zip loc before exercise because the blends are easy to reduce the heat in the bag just by putting them under the tap a bit, this is especially good for anyone on OTC prescriptions (They all are when bought!) because this cleanses out your liver, the master chemist of your body, it makes exercise a real cleansing boost. You can't heat the room well by wood stretches, you have to fill up the heat to more heat. This is a smart way to exercise because it's without pain if low impact. This method is the best way I've devised to build up any set of muscle, even wrists and eyes, especially where dexterity is of most worth. Being smart I was always concerned I would lose dexterity, because exercise seemed to make me feel so ugh. With this I don't lose dexterity, I win it and I feel Good! Fear not muscle soreness, I've been in exercise mode about 10 years, it goes on about four days for unlabored muscle, but I've never had any other than this even with heavier workouts for 30 minutes three or four times a week. Once you're in conditioning mode there's no soreness, just as Health in Evolution would say. (Be sure to consult your physician before starting any marathon or health program, while it seems like a disclaimer, right, if you save the Top 40 Elfs to the web at usual speed, this is good for saving many thousand ye old Elvis collections!)
"I slept and dreamed that life was beauty, I awoke and found that life was duty." Beauty has more worth than would seem, we couldn't function without some rest. I exercise with the Millionaire show because being so rich seems a timer, it's always somewhat novel, but it's dumb enough, so on with my labor counting all the cash I won without distraction!
Wrong exercise damages muscle by a toxic compound. If your muscles hurt this is a sign of damage and even exercise heros like me council against too much exercise. Even too much tap water is bad for you, so a limit always has to be somewhere or we would blast off for orbit if our Aero Exerciz machine has web power, perhaps in a 100 years yoga will, who knows how much and how far yoga's influence of will stretch?
They find that soup makes it so dieters can lose 50% more weight when dieting. At first glance this may seem good and of worth via evolution, but other research has found a reduction in life expectancy with dieting with a significant increase in death from all causes (I think the word diet is from the same word as debt and death). Exercise and reduction of sugar and fat below 50 grams a day (think of sugar as fat) are good enough for weight loss without pain, [calorie restriction is worthless] perhaps two pounds a week, the exercise makes it so you keep your muscle. A lot of the lunch we would eat in the tropics was hot so it may be just the heat not the water itself that's good, so it feels most evolved, and like the cool water if hot it may kill microbes. Both hot and cold water may be beneficial if we were constantly cycling between hot and cool in and out of the water and heat all day in the tropics, and research shows alternation of hot and cool is good for the immune system and improves circulation. I would think drinking hot water with a bit of low level flavor would be good to promote general feelings of health and power in life because of the idea of Life as Evolution if heat is the cause, so a hot stomach may be good for losing fat with no water. If you ask an old person who is thin if they like to be they often say they'd rather not be, they've just lost their appetite. It's been found mice who are put on a diet often live more mice years, and the diet connection with reduced life expectancy was actually with people 60 or older, so perhaps diets if achieved when you're 20 or 30 are the way to live a more robust life. Calorie restriction diets are a stressor and probably weren't found in evolution (if most were healthy presumably most weren't overweight, this too can be tested in archeology of prehistoric evolution by the amount of stress on the bones the overweight would have caused). Even so Health as Evolution as usual would seem to save the day without pain by the 50 gram exercise method a day plan. In brain research they always say, evolution of the mind is always wizer than us. If it was often important to lose weight, even in evolution we would have some sort of safety net like this, evolution was about love and would catch you if you fall. In youth it's easier to diet and it would put you in the right general area healthwise, dieting would be an option more of youth than the old, but this is more about time than evolution, evolution didn't cause time, she just adapts to it the best she may. It's been proven that reduced sleep causes overweight, so I sleep with South Beach cushions! Hot water is also alkalizing, and this is the bodies natural PH. Reading a list of alkalizing foods is like reading a list of all the foods considered to be most strengthening, low sugar, multivitamin, life itself, genius is the brains of this operation! When mice are shaken with sound vibrations they lose a pound or two a month without exercise. There would be enough shaking each day when we would run so Life as Evolution explains this, and no doubt there may be other advantages via Life As Evolution bone jarring exercise (other than just building up bone) might have even down to the cellular level..
.For moderate fans of AM songs like me, why is slowing up and just light exercise, with bursts of power like heavy leg lifts found to be best? One way it's optimal to exercise would be like in sleep where instead of a smooth dropoff you have cycles. Each time there's a stimulus, it goes in cycles so you're a bit more sleepy when you go to sleep with each repeat of the stimulus then you pass out and reach the gee forces of the cosmos. In evolution exercise and sleep wouldn't have always have wound down fast with "devotion of months and years of your wife to rest ." Like dreams it may be more efficient in the bursts at the end of sleep not mostly at 5 PM even so, since like dreams the most activity is later in the sleep. With digestion where the dish or information of the dreams is digested and converted to energy, activity peaks out at some optimal time of dream or other activity following digestion going to sleep. While weights to maintain strength are recommended by fitness gurus, this is determined by the weight, not the number of times or duration of time the weight is lifted. Like in the bursts of sleep, to lift a moderately heavy load like a sack of books at college (the marms are light!) maintains power. I think not lifting for hours, or just two minutes per two days is what was usual in our evolution. See this link. (Or that link. The links may soon be improved and more reliable I hope, what was my old ISP like?) The link is about how light, more frequent exercise is a boost for heart health more than too much heavy exercise. While we would lift some weight in evolution if we lifted so much we were out of power all the time, we wouldn't have survived, or actually like a horse can reach just to eat no more no less. By this Health as Evolution life was mostly comfortable and good with a bit of mild discomfort once in a while because of how life evolved. It's the low level exercise geniuses who are the heros of the cosmos. It's been found we remember the most when we are a bit uncomfortable, and dream the best when we're most in a giant fuzzy room where the starships are up.
The American Indians had no war before about 1000 AD. This would mean there may have been no war in most of our evolution. The overpopulation may have caused this. A conclusion of worth in Life as Evolution is that overhunting causes overcrowding, this in turn is causing higher Demand for reduced Supply of all resources causing strain and the economic woes the world now has. (there may be possible solutions, for more about this please click here ). Overcrowding wasn't in evolution, s
o the harm to evolution done by humans I consider to be a bane. Life as Evolution thus says we should not hunt for sport or eat more fish than we would have in evolution, eating some fish is good for us but not eating out at the resturant 8 times a week because here too evolution will let us have fish if we eat in moderation, but if we ask for too much we may end up with no fish.
Evolution offers council in a general moral sense about the evolution of behaviour. The two most important types of behaviour are hawks and doves based on an overall advantage or disadvantage of power, like bosses and employees, or men and women. (I never try to downsize the boss because of this, and neither will I worship him, he's strong and many of us are merely amazing and have our hopes for all the world to triumph too.) Behaviour that causes any real change is the most important about good like the employee or bad like the boss. Evolution says "Life isn't about the haves and have nots, it's about who labors and who rests" and that "Life is not about smartness or wealth or looks, but about a struggle between good and evil." Most of us aren't going to be the boss, so good and great is the way to go.
This explanation of Evolution as Life might be used to control, prevent, and cure many diseases and improve health for millions, because it often tells us what gets the highest wager of worth based on conclusions about Health as Evolution. For instance it may help the fatigue epidemic that health care providers say is the number one illness in terms of frequency of complaint. While it no doubt may be caused by overpopulation (e.g. social pathology and other sorts of illness like tiredness are more common in the cities) a physical cause may also be about the circulation of iron. Obviously if circulation is impaired it may have influence on tiredness because oxygen is carried to and from the muscle by the bloodstream. Too much iron has many of the same symptoms as too little. Most older people while hypertensive, are also with low blood pressure when they walk and are up and around, another name for this is orthostasis. Because of diet and poor exercise, most americans lose a pound of muscle and gain a pound of fat a year. In evolution this would be unusual because the stomach muscle belt in evolution would keep the circulation from flowing down and pooling in the legs. Too much iron below and not enough above would cause fatigue. In evolution blood pressure and circulation of the entire body would thus be more moderate because of stomach muscle and too much synthetic unproven iron in mega doses in junk food may be an important physical cause of the fatigue. Unnatural rises and falls in the iron levels and women's period also may combine to cause change in iron levels, this may be why the incidence of CFS is higher in women than men. (CFS is a major health problem of 2 million Americans with fatigue the main symptom. 97% of those with CFS have low blood pressure when standing up.). Each day in evolution we would reach down so much to exercise the muscles around our stomach would be strong. Research with anthropology if so may have saved many from the rise of weariness and also CFS And the explanation of Health as Evolution predicts that prehistoric societies would have less CFS and more energy in general. Even so fitness coaches say if you don't do a minimum amount of exercise your body will begin to deteriorate in about a month. It's true that in doing a usual days work like at the store with lifting boxes you do the equivalent of running five miles with a backpack on. Even so since it's not the most natural type of exercise it may be good to suppliment your exercises for the muscles that may be deficient like your arms and stomach just as you suppliment with vitamins for what may be missing in your diet. If you walk on your job and exercise your legs but not your stomach you may be increasing your fatigue by hoovering the circulation downward to orthostasis. If you exercise your legs a lot like this a memo of Moses was to Do unto the Front and Left as you Do Unto The Rear and Right so you would achieve inside and outside leg flexes but not the muscles you exercised all AM and PM. This with stomach flexes would be the minimum needed to prevent deterioration of your body, including more and more fatigue.
.It's now believed that a virus 99% of the population has, the HHV6 herpes virus is the cause of CFS, most people get the herpes virus when they're young and it waits to attack when the immune system is older and more weary. This doesn't rule out the main way in for CFS being the stomach muscle belt and iron because most people have the virus and they don't get CFS. I think it's possible the cause of CFS (and much of the physical cause of the weariness so many people have) would be the stress caused by orthostasis that then stresses the immune system so much the virus can then cause CFS. The reason it's believed to be caused by the virus is because Olive Leaf Extract can cure, yes cure CFS and your tiredness because it's a true antiviral! More about Olive Leaf Extract. .
As you may know fish oil is of real value to reduce the risk of heart problems. The explanation Of Health and Evolution would tell us that in evolution we were near fish. There are no fish on land (other than goldfish who travel around with tanks and win wars with submarines!) but they are by the shore. Most life of recent evolution lives not only in the tropics and not only near the ocean but also near where the rivers meet the shore, the estuaries. So my vision of Life and Evolution would say, not only is fish oil healthy, but much of worth vis a vis fitness and health is found in the estuaries (You know you're in Fla if you see a giant orange rise up out of the ocean) and may be a lot better for us than even fish oil. And I wonder what was in the estuaries for millions of years that's not there at this time, more research about this may be of worth to us.
Microwave ovens are considered safe. Although the radio waves use magnetic fields more than electric, Einstein said either motion of a wire or a magnet produces the same relative motion in his theory of relativity. In the tropics both electric and magnetic power were in the heat of our lifetime. While Health as Evolution would say they are mostly safe, electric and magnetic fields are not quite the same so since it was somewhat unusual in our evolution, radarange ovens may cause a bit more risk in common use. And how would you move on moving day in 1,000,000 BC, if the stove was big enough to roast a beast? How would you fit the stove in the moving stone wheel van if it's just a Rolling Stone? Microwave ovens have actually been found to be more of value than conventional ovens about retaining more vitamins in lunch. Since microwaves are possibly unsafe or if it's good to be savvy of other sources, what I do is wear my wokman and listen for the AM 100 on the FM and-it turned out my microwave oven actually had a radiation leak, so vwalah! radar seeking sonar!
Health as Evolution says something important about what they thought of the sources of radiation like this. The people said, "This radiation is harmful." The science people said it may not be, did the research, and said, "Why do people think it's unsafe?" I think science shouldn't at times disagree with the nonscientist before proof is found for assuming the same vision of Life as Evolution above, considering how well based the evidence for this idea of Health as Evolution is. As with herbs and health the story of electromagnetic fields and health may be more complex than it would seem just from a few studies. There may still be health hazards with unevolved electric fields. Since electromagnetic fields are abundant in the cosmos and evolution, more research may be of worth about electric fields like in the rain forest, where we lived for millions of years.
.Any food we eat has it's own distinct motif to us, there's no other lunch in the cosmos just like your hot dish. Plants have electric fields, perhaps each plant in the rain forest in the heat has it's own field, that would be achieved for us by a special machine to make these fields in our usual rooms of life. With heat in our life the fields are often here, and these fields are constant and like heat, so in our more northern rooms we would perhaps benefit from machines that would stop the bad heat and add in more healthy heat. We would Be on "As the World Zooms" at 20,000 mph!
This site is not intended to diagnose cure or prevent any condition nor to be medical advice. I'm not a health care genius; I just wanna be my favorite web author-of yours!